Find us
Fairytale Farm, Oxford Road (A44), Southcombe, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, OX7 5QH
Bus Access
We recommend that you get off the bus at the Cotswolds Hotel/Golf Course stop around the corner from us and walk through the Hotel/Golf Club car park, past the hotel, into our car park. That way you will not need to walk on the side of the road.
From Oxford
Bus S3 goes from Oxford City centre every hour at 10 to the hour on weekdays, and stops at Southcombe, almost outside Fairytale Farm. The journey takes about 45-50 minutes. On Saturdays and Sundays (and some Bank Holidays) it is at 40 minutes past the hour. A timetable is here.
From Banbury
You can also access the farm by bus from Banbury. You need to catch the 488 from Banbury to Chipping Norton. Once you get to Chipping Norton, you can get the S3 from Chipping Norton to Chipping Norton Golf Club.
From Chipping Norton
Take the S3 from Chipping Norton to Chipping Norton Golf Club. Timetable link under ‘From Oxford’ above.
Why not try using the what3words application to find Fairytale Farm ?
what3words has given every 3 metre square in the world a unique combination of 3 words, providing a useful navigation tool when searching for a location.
For instance our car park entrance can found at ///opts.sends.crash, our admissions entrance at ///proudest.skips.latched and our toilets at ///gliders.showrooms.officer using this application.

Don't miss a thing. See the latest seasonal events from Fairytale Farm to delight your little ones. From a visit from the Easter Bunny to our themed weeks and half term events. There is always something going on.
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